ISSN (Online): 2321 - 7782
ISSN (Print): 2347 - 1778

VOLUME 7, ISSUE 3, March - 2019

Title : The Power of Social Media Era and Its Impact on the Current Business Environment
Author :   S. Chandra Sekhar, A. Bala Ram
Country : India

Title : Collaborative web recommendation systems based on Data Mining
Author :   Priya Shah, Vikash Katariya
Country : India

Title : A Survey on Factors Affecting Education Society using Data Mining
Author :   Het Trivedi, Dr. Ajay Patel
Country : India

Title : Near Field Communication security threats & secure passive communication based on "BUZZ" tag
Author :   Jignesh Patel, Dr. A. R. Patel
Country : India

Title : Need to learn Artificial intelligence for Next Generation
Author :   Jayesh N. Modi, Ashok. R. Patel
Country : India

Title : Need to learn Artificial intelligence for Next Generation
Author :   Prafulla Kumbhar Shah
Country : India

Title : Credit Card Fraud Detection
Author :   Savitri Deore, Prathamesh Burhade, Ratnakar Demase, Deepali Gaikwad
Country : India

Title : Review Paper on Content and Side Information based Text Mining
Author :   Snehal S. Ingavale
Country : India

Title : A Study On Human Resource Information System and Employees' Performance in Indian Banking Sector
Author :   Ankur, Ritu Gandhi Arora
Country : India

Title : Green Marketing
Author :   Dr. Payush
Country : India

Title : Exploring the benefits of new crop insurance scheme: Evidence from State of Haryana
Author :   Keshav Kumar, Rajkumar
Country : India

Title : Assessment of the Implementation of NEUST-SIC Alumni Databank as perceived by Alumni Coordinator
Author :   Emmanuel C. Navarro, Maria Theresa A. Dela Cruz, Rodella F. Salas, Arnie C. Osabel, Joselito P. Nagayo
Country : Philippines

Title : The Future of UAE Real Estate Market with Special Emphasis on Dubai
Author :   Prakash N. Bhalchandra, Prof. (Dr.) V. B. Singh
Country : India

Title : Psychological biases influence investment decision making
Author :   Kiran Yadav, Prof. Rishi Chaudhary
Country : India

Title : A study for measuring determinants of knowledge management systems in Indian banking sector
Author :   Dr. Shweta Singh, Jyoti Mor
Country : India

Title : Availability bias and investment decision making: Evidence from India’s Stock Market
Author :   Bhavna Yadav
Country : India

Title : A Study to Identify the Risk Factors in Online Shopping: A Case Study of Online Shoppers from Delhi and Haryana
Author :   Vinay Nandal, Dr. Jagdeep Singla
Country : India

Title : A Study of barriers hindering the effective implementation of e- governance model in PMMVY scheme – A case study of Haryana, India
Author :   Dr. Anil Khurana, Ritu Jain
Country : India

Title : Assessment of Work Stress among Police Personnel in Haryana
Author :   Preeti, Prof. Vazir Nehra
Country : India

Title : The Smart Rationing System Based on RFID
Author :   Suvarna R. Bhise, Rugved N. Nadkarni
Country : India

Title: Perceptions regarding the equitability and affordability of banking services among low-income individuals

Author(s):  Manju Katarya

DOI: 10.61161/ijarcsms.v7i3.1

Country : India

Title: An Investigation of the impact of Digital Literacy on Saving Behavior of Banking Customers

Author(s):  Sushil Kumar

DOI: 10.61161/ijarcsms.v7i3.2

Country : India

Title: Exploring the Economic, Cultural, and Environmental Impact of Promoting Local Artisans and Handicrafts through Tourism

Author(s):  Harish Kumar

DOI: 10.61161/ijarcsms.v7i3.3

Country : India

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