ISSN (Online): 2321 - 7782
ISSN (Print): 2347 - 1778

VOLUME 6, ISSUE 1, January - 2018

Title : CI-CD Automated Test Solution
Author :   Chaitanya Narayanam
Country : India

Title : IPO Activity and Investor's Sentiment: An Indian Study
Author :   Ruchika Agarwal
Country : India

Title : A Comparative Study on Retail Stores in Hyderabad
Author :   K. Naupal Reddy
Country : India

Title : Application of Information System in Amazon: Issue and Prespectives
Author :   Prashant Bhat, Anandhu Bose, Akhil N
Country : India

Title : Face Recognition using Histogram of Oriented Gradients
Author :   Sourabh Hanamsheth, Milind Rane
Country : India

Title : Crypto Currency: Bubble or Boom
Author :   Jyoti Nair, Dr. Anju Motwani
Country : India

Title : Problems of Passive Entrepreneurism among Women Entrepreneurs: Cause and Effect
Author :   Dr. F. R. Alexander Pravin Durai, N. K. Chitra
Country : India

Title : IoT: NodeMCU 12e X Arduino Uno, Results of an experimental and comparative survey
Author :   Dr. Antonio Carlos Bento
Country : Brazil

Title : An Empirical Study of the Factors influencing Consumer Behaviour in the Electric Appliances Market
Author :   G Mallaiah, Dr. D V Ramana, B S R Murthy
Country : India

Title : A Study of Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal System in Selected Indian Companies
Author :   Laxmi Rajak, Dr. Kushendra Mishra
Country : India

Title : An Approach for Synonym Based Fuzzy Multi Keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data
Author :   Syed Shabbeer Ahmad
Country : India

Title : Demographic & Personality Determinants of Green Consumer Behavior in Gujarat
Author :   Swati Joshi, Darshana R. Dave
Country : India

Title : Three most pressing issues in Organizational Behaviour and the practices that might be implemented
Author :   Dr. Shakina Tabbsum A. Munshi
Country : India

Title : Employee Retention: Concept, Factors and Importance
Author :   Deepika
Country : India

Title : The Impact of Visual Merchandising on Impulsive Buying Behavior of Young Consumers
Author :    Aradhna, Dr. V. B. Singh
Country : India

Title: Performance of Supply Chain Management in Polymer Processing Industry in India

Author(s):  Rajneesh Pal Yadav, Dr. Kushendra Mishra

DOI: 10.61161/ijarcsms.v6i1.1

Country    : India

Title : Green Marketing: Need of the Business World
Author :    Shweta
Country : India

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