Title : Globalisation of Financial Reporting System through Implementing IFRS in India
Author : Dr. Kedar V. Marulkar
Country : India
Title : An Artical on Foreign Capital and Foreign Investment [Foreign Direct Investment]
Authors : Dr. K.S.Vataliya, Bhanuben N.Parmar
Country : India
Title : A guide for Selecting Content Management System for Web Application Development
Authors : Vimal Ghorecha, Chirag Bhatt
Country : India
Title : A Survey of Linear and Non-Linear Filters for Noise Reduction
Authors : Pragati Agrawal, Jayendra Singh Verma
Country : India
Title: The Impact of Insurance Regulatory and Development Aythority [IRDA]
Authors : Dr. Bhawana Rewadikar, Sumit Soni
Country : India
Title: Improved the Existing Method for Sketch Based Image Retrieval System
Authors : Jyoti Jain
Country : India
Title: Non Performing Assets - A Drag On Banking Sector
Authors : Dr. Ramprakash O. Panchariya, Prof. C. A. Sarode
Country : India
Title: An Empirical concentrate on Prediction of Thyroid Diseases utilizing SVM Technique
Authors : Dr. P. Devaraaju
Country : India
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