ISSN (Online): 2321 - 7782
ISSN (Print): 2347 - 1778

Call For Conference Proceedings

IJARCSMS brings together researchers, students and academicians from all over the world who works professionally to lift the status high by their ideas and research. The IJARCSMS is a registered organization for the professionals in the field of Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Management Studies. IJARCSMS organizes conferences, workshops, technical support to conferences and workshops. Special editions are also planned subjected to the scope and need.

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The conference organizers are requested to provide the manuscripts in .DOC (i.e. Microsoft Word) format to the editor of IJARCSMS. The format of the manuscript must comply with the template of IJARCSMS. The conference organizers are also requested to submit the review comments and the list of reviewers to IJARCSMS along with the set of manuscripts. The manuscripts must be categorized according to the topics addressed by them.

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Conferences interested to publish their selected manuscripts with International Journal of Advance Research In Computer Science and Management Studies (IJARCSMS) are requested to use the copyright forms and templates provided in the downloads section. Compliance with the documents is a necessity for publication in IJARCSMS.

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