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Scientific Journal Impact Factor 6. 012 DOI: We Provide DOI, Publication Certificate and Impact Factor Certificate Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2024 is Now Available Online CFP on "Embodying Intelligent Robotic Systems for Business Environment" |
IJARCSMS is an International Scholarly, Open Access, Peer-reviewed, Referred monthly journal dealing with all aspects of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Computer Application and Management Studies.
Authors are invited to submit papers through E-mail at
IJARCSMS is committed to bringing research findings from the domain of a few institutions and individuals to the society in general.
It aims to promote the integration of Computer Science and Management Studies.
IJARCSMS is is an International Scholarly, Open Access, Peer-reviewed, Referred monthly international journal that provides rapid publication of articles in all areas of Computer Science and Management. During the process of review we try to make a standard review as fast as we can, but we never compromise with quality.
Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this journal. Paper must be in IJARCSMS format.
The Publishing Team of IJARCSMS suggest you, do not submit same article to the multiple journals simultaneously. Please wait for review report which will take maximum 5 to 10 days.