ISSN (Online): 2321 - 7782
ISSN (Print): 2347 - 1778

VOLUME 12, ISSUE 7, July - 2024

Consumer Awareness & Perception towards Organic Food Products in Nanded City

Author(s) :   Dr. R. V. Tehra

Introduction : Now a day, the awareness of general public about health has increased rapidly. The food consumers have become more careful regarding the food they are consuming. The consumers have become more careful about the food safety, quality and its nutritional value. They realized that food is the one of the basic necessities in the life of human beings. It indicates that the people have become more serious about food they eat. There are various reports are available on human diseases which indicates the root cause behind the most of the human diseases are consumption of chemical contaminated, unhealthy foods. The foods available through conventional farming are highly contaminated by extensive use of synthetic chemicals used in fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides etc. It has observed in increase in food borne diseases in last few years in all over world (Essoussi and zahaf,2009)the consumers now realized that chemical contaminated food is highly harmful to the human health. The use of synthetic chemicals has also shown adverse effects on environment. It creates worries among consumers about the nutritional value of food and environmental issues (Kuhar and Juvancic, 2010) the consumers now started comparing the benefits of healthy foods and non-healthy foods. The healthy foods mean food produced without any chemical substances. The consumers perceived the chemical free foods are good for their health. This search of consumers ends at organic food products. As they are produced without the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers, pesticides etc The changed perception of consumers regarding food creates a new market trend of chemical free foods like organic food products The parameters like food quality and safety of food have attracted the attention and interest of consumers towards a healthy living (Laroche et al.,2001) It is observed in most of developed countries that consumers are giving importance to the healthy, quality and safe food which is free from any kind of synthetic chemicals. The consumers of industrialized nations have shown interest towards organic food products. The trend of chemical free i.e., organic food is now expanding from developed nations to developing nation like India and China (Techsci 2013) The organic food concept is gaining gradual momentum in India., even though this the domestic market of organic food in India is at an infancy stage. The share of organic food in all over food market is still relatively very small. Its demand is at relatively low and it is concentrated to metro and tier I and II cities of India.

DOI : 10.61161/ijarcsms.v12i7.45

Pages : 356-362

How to Cite this aricle?
Tehra, Dr. R. V. (2024). Consumer Awareness & Perception towards Organic Food Products in Nanded City. International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies, 12(7), 356–362.

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