ISSN (Online): 2321 - 7782
ISSN (Print): 2347 - 1778

VOLUME 12, ISSUE 7, July - 2024

Leaf Detection using Convolutional Neural Network

Author(s) :   Rohit Ninawe1, Prerna Dangra2

Abstract : The automatic detection and classification of plant leaves is crucial for advancements in agricultural automation and botanical research. Traditional manual methods for identifying plant species based on leaf characteristics are labor-intensive and prone to error. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have demonstrated exceptional performance in various image classification tasks and offer a promising solution for this challenge. This paper presents a CNN-based approach for the detection and classification of plant leaves. The proposed model was trained and tested on a diverse dataset, achieving high accuracy and robustness under varying environmental conditions. The results indicate that CNNs can significantly enhance the efficiency and accuracy of leave detection systems, paving the way for more sophisticated applications in agriculture and plant sciences.

Keywords: agricultural, environment, plant.

DOI : 10.61161/ijarcsms.v12i7.34

Pages : 277-283

How to Cite this aricle?
Ninawe, R., & Dangra, P. (2024). Leaf Detection using Convolutional Neural Network. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCE RESEARCH IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES, 12(7), 277-283.

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