Author(s) :   Rohini Maroti Kunghadkar
Abstract : Real estate business responsibility can be given to the financial, business, or facilities management group. Guidelines and policies for real estate acquisition and management must be clearly defined so that all stakeholders can be involved in the process. Track property holdings, leasing details, and facilities data to effectively integrate real estate administration with capital planning and budget management. Property management encompasses operation, control, and oversight of leased purchased real estate holdings, evaluation of tenant needs, maintenance obligations, and record keeping requirements in an integral part of property management. Hausify aims to revolutionize the way real estate businesses manage their operations by providing a comprehensive and use-friendly software solution. With its advanced features and scalable architecture. Plot compass is poised to become the go-to platform for real estate professionals seeking to streamline their processes and maximize their efficiency and profitability. Now, it is important to know the importance of having this financial model for any developer. The advantages are as follows, Factors associated for real estate profit, how this factors are affecting the financial return, How this financial model indicates project profit - loss- risks through info-graphic indicators. How these factors can be modified or adjusted in the model at planning stage to avoid loss and to gain maximum return. Financial part plays important role of investment in Indian real estate. Financial return depends on many factors such as location, user, income group, project typology, government policies etc. Here in this research financial model is prepared to calculate the financial return form specific real estate project type through case study.
DOI : 10.61161/ijarcsms.v12i7.19
Pages : 158-162
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