ISSN (Online): 2321 - 7782
ISSN (Print): 2347 - 1778

VOLUME 12, ISSUE 7, July - 2024

Intensify Cooperative Learning: An Investigation into School Attendance Monitoring Systems

Author(s) :   Samiksha M. Gawande

Abstract : Every organization, including educational institutions, the public and private sectors, depends on effective attendance management to determine their future success. To maximize performance, organizations will need to monitor individuals within the organization, such as staff members and pupils. Overseeing student attendance during lecture times has grown to be a challenging task. Because manual computation is labour-intensive and prone to error, being able to calculate the attendance % becomes a significant task. The purpose of the attendance management system is to monitor student behaviour in the classroom. Using this software, attendance is recorded electronically. In today's educational environment, effectively managing students' attendance is essential to their performance and welfare. This abstract provides a thorough explanation of a School Attendance Management System (SAMS), which was created to make the process of tracking and documenting student attendance more efficient.

Keywords: Recognition via Biometric, Monitoring in real time, Efficiency in Education, Responsibility.

DOI : 10.61161/ijarcsms.v12i7.7

Pages : 41-47

How to Cite this aricle?
Gawande, S. (2024). Intensify Cooperative Learning: An Investigation into School Attendance Monitoring Systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCE RESEARCH IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES, 12(7), 41–47.

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