ISSN (Online): 2321 - 7782
ISSN (Print): 2347 - 1778

VOLUME 12, ISSUE 5, May - 2024

Analysis of Leadership and Team Management Skills of Middle Level Healthcare Managers of Uttar Pradesh

Author(s) :   Prof.(Dr.)V.B. Singh1, Karan Bhateja2

Abstract : The health care industry is characterized by constant advances to efficiently provide safe, effective, and high-quality services. Effective leadership is needed to steer and accelerate changes at all levels of the health system to realise the goals of the ongoing reforms in health care organisations. Because managerial and clinical workforces are equally represented in the health care sector, specific issues arise. This study explores the idea of leadership in light of recent efforts by healthcare organizations to pinpoint the essential skills and education needed by workforces in health management and leadership positions to do their jobs well. In order to accomplish organizational goals, a leader must be able to influence their subordinates’ attitudes, convictions, and skills. Whether an organization performs well or poorly depends on it. Healthcare institutions need effective leadership to manage the changes in health service delivery. To make judgments based on the best available data, there was not enough information about the current situation of healthcare leaders. According to the study’s conclusions, more research is needed to bolster the case for links between focused leaders with experience in clinical care and health management, and organisational success. Thus, when concluding “A comparative study of Healthcare Management and Leadership Skills of Health Management Systems” our research included fact analysis and predictive analysis performed on pertinent records and data connected to our research purpose.

Keywords: health management, health leadership, global health, leadership skills, challenges. Human skills, leadership style, middle level managers, teamwork.

DOI : 10.61161/ijarcsms.v12i5.1

Pages : 1-12

How to Cite this aricle?
Singh, V. B., & Bhateja, K. (2024). Analysis of leadership and team management skills of middle level healthcare managers of Uttar Pradesh. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCE RESEARCH IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES, 12(5), 1–12.

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