Author(s) :   Dr. M. S. Sureshkumar1, A. Senthil Raghavan2, Dr. P. Mohanraj3
Abstract : Professionals in the training and development sector are continuously searching for innovative solutions to improve performance in learning, besides various other new needs a learner may have. Artificial intelligence has transformed the very fabric of designing, delivering, and optimizing training programs. This study aimed at to know the impact of artificial intelligence in training and development of private bank employees in Erode District. 100 private bank employees were chosen in the study area through convenience sampling method. Questionnaire method was used to collect primary information from the sample employees. The blog majorly digs deep into the implications of AI in training and development while at the same time giving information as to how professionals can make use of this technology to develop effective and more personalized learning experiences.
Keywords: professionals; artificial intelligence; training; technology; learning.
DOI : 10.61161/ijarcsms.v12i10.1
Pages : 1-6
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