Author(s) :   Milena Shehu1, Dr. Areti Stringa2
Abstract : The employability skills-gap, which actually is the difference between the skills required on the job positions and those possessed by candidates, is increasingly viewed by many businesses operating in a variety of economic sectors as a serious issue. However, some employers are usually willing to provide the necessary training for those individuals who lack skills before being employed. Employers frequently prefer to recruit people who are job-ready and well-qualified. This is a result of the labor market's quick changes occurring within the context of digitalization.
Many conversations about the workforce of today, in this era of digitalization, center on how employable job seekers are. Employers need workers with the interpersonal, technical/professional, and attitude abilities to collaborate in the workplace. Skills that were once completely unimportant, like creativity, problem-solving, critical thinking, etc., are now highly valued by employers that are working to develop the empowered, high-performance workforce necessary for success in today's economy. These soft skills are now viewed as valuable human capital assets, and businesses are beginning to require employees possessing them.
In the framework of Industry Revolution 4, this research intends to investigate and evaluate employability skills and their relationship to the labor market.
Keywords: Employability, Skills-Gap, Digitalization, Labor Market, PRISMA, Systematic mapping review.
DOI : 10.61161/ijarcsms.v11i9.2
Pages : 13-21
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