ISSN (Online): 2321 - 7782
ISSN (Print): 2347 - 1778

VOLUME 11, ISSUE 8, August - 2023

The Growing Influence, Characteristics and Limitations of Indian Podcasts

Author(s) :   Dr. Atul Pande

Abstract : Podcasts should be named as one of the fastest growing new technologies in the media world. In a way, a podcast is an extension of Akashvani. In another way it can also be called internet radio. It’s appearance is very different. In earlier days Akashvani had a monopoly but now it has been ended by this new medium. As the Saint Dnyaneshwar says, 'Jo Je Wanchhil To Te Laho', (whoever wants, get it) the new media has developed the ability to make available whatever one wants. India ranks third in podcast consumption in the world. 57.6 million people in the country listen to podcasts. According to PwC, podcast consumption in India has grown by 34 percent between 2018 and 2023. Experts believe that the pace of growth will continue globally and within no time, there will be 464 million people listening to podcasts worldwide. This talkative Radio covers a wide range of topics from religion, economics, desire, salvation to sports, art, cooking, nutrition, tourism, environment, etc.

Nowadays, the new generation that is learning through the English medium can hear, speak, but cannot read and write in their mother tongues. Hence podcasts become a convenient medium for them. One can listen to all matters in their mother tongue here. Podcasts are a boon even for those people who can't read as either they are blind or they are very old. Watching a video or reading a blog demands your full attention but podcasts do not. It doesn't engage you fully. Don't eat up all of your time. Be it BBC or Maharashtra Times, all important media houses have also taken help of podcasts for news dissemination. Nostalgic news stories with historical references, crime references are mainly heard here. With the new technology, the limitations of the newspaper or books are rising. Podcasts can be enjoyed anywhere in the country and abroad. Podcasting, which explores various fields, is a rapidly expanding technique. Commenting on the global scenario of podcasts, Big FM COO Sunil Kumaran says, 'India ranks third in terms of podcast consumption. After America and China, India is the country with the highest number of listeners. His views and figures are promising for the podcast industry, with 464 million listeners worldwide and $4 billion in revenue by the end of 2023. What is a podcast? How did it evolve? How is it transmitted? What are its advantages and limitations? This is important for media practitioners to know. That is the subject of this research paper. This is a detailed analysis of the podcast.

Keywords: Pod, iPod, Podcast, Platform, Audio, Artificial Intelligence (AI).

DOI : 10.61161/ijarcsms.v11i8.8

Pages : 21-25

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