ISSN (Online): 2321 - 7782
ISSN (Print): 2347 - 1778

VOLUME 11, ISSUE 10, October - 2023

Sustainable Business Practices: A Comparative Analysis of Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility

Author(s) :   Dr. Richa Verma

Abstract : In light of the recent global crisis, there is clear evidence of a range of social problems that hinder the pursuit of sustainable human development. This crisis has underscored the pressing need for a reevaluation of the relationship between enterprises and society. It is evident that numerous challenges must be addressed to ameliorate the adverse effects of the prevailing economic model and enhance the overall quality of life for society at large.

Two distinct yet converging paths have emerged, each seeking to achieve the same ultimate goal. The first of these paths is Social Entrepreneurship, a proactive approach designed to meet the common needs arising from the current economic system. The second path, known as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), represents the outcome of a company's ethical introspection, founded on principles of interdependence and reciprocity with society. Both avenues are deeply intertwined with the aspiration to create sustainable social value, but their methods and perspectives diverge significantly, making it increasingly clear that there is value in exploring the synergies between them.

This comprehensive review seeks to unravel the complexities, distinctions, and commonalities inherent in the domains of Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility. It is essential to recognize that the interpretation of these concepts hinges on the perception of value and ownership, a factor that plays a pivotal role in understanding their dynamics and implications.

Keywords: Social Entrepreneurship, Corporate Social Responsibility, Stakeholders.

DOI : 10.61161/ijarcsms.v11i10.1

Pages : 01-15

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