Author(s) :   Vipul Sharma1, Prof. Ashish Nag2, Vipan Kumar3
Abstract : The present study examines the role of government interventions in Self Help Groups (SHGs) for cultural entrepreneurship In Himachal Pradesh. The study specifically investigates how government support, including financial aid, training programs, and marketing assistance, contributes to growth and development of these SHGs. Self-structed questionnaire was formed for data collection process. Data was collected from highest number of culturally based self-help groups from three districts of Himachal Pradesh. After collection of data from 300 self-help groups, descripted method is employed for analysis purpose. The findings from the analysis reveal that government have made significant contributions to Self-Help Groups in Himachal Pradesh. However, the study suggests that a more all-inclusive approach would be essential to fully unlock the of SHGs as key of cultural entrepreneurship. This integrated strategy is vital for enhancing the sustainability and success of Self- Help Groups in Promotion of Cultural Entrepreneurship in Himachal Pradesh.
Keywords: Cultural Entrepreneurship, Self-Help Groups, Government Intervention, Himachal Pradesh.
DOI : 10.61161/ijarcsms.v13i1.1
Pages : 1-12
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